Sometimes we fall in love. Then we fall out of it. After my first torrid love affair (at 22) I became pregnant. Believing in Love I married the man. We had another baby. Now those babies are 6 and 9 years old, and I have been discarded. My kids and I miss eachother, but there is no love anymore from any other direction.
It wasn't fair, but I shouldn't be surprised about that. I was never told that life is fair, or that people are just. Still, one FEELS. I wish to forgive my ex-spouse for the harms he heaped on me because I need to move forward, love myself again.
I drew this purely for therapy. I need to express my horror at being thrown away and excluded from my little family. I bore my children under my heart. I made them with my body. My uses continued after their birth, but my man wanted new toys and got sick of the sight of this one. And so I was run out....
Someday I'll find the person who makes me feel like a goddess rather than a sack of trash. Someday I'll find a man who thinks I'm good enough to fuck AND take out on dates. All I care about is not being a dolly anymore, and NOT BEING BROKEN.