Welcome to my blog!

Hello, I am a self-trained artist with a fun, dark sense of humour. Enjoy my work and the crazy impetus behind them!

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Oh Deer....

Don't you wish, sometimes, that you could speak up for yourself a bit more? I love being a woman, yes... but I have a hard time seeing the power in it some days. Today I just feel kinda used and trampled on by life. We all have those days. I'm usually happy, but when my heart gets heavy I hit the paper and draw it out.
Some day I'd like to hold the bow and arrow, inflict the wounds. Have something to gut and chop up and eat for dinner, rather than feeling like dinner.
Agency. Without the deer there would be no hunter. I have to remember that little fact. There is power in being a woman.... right?

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Athena's Turn to Pose

It's been about two weeks since I last drew.... Ack! Too long! But in my defense I was super busy in all the best ways. In that two weeks I have changed and grown a wee bit... and lo and behold I found my style loosened up for some reason. I used my pencil like a paintbrush for this drawing. What you DON'T see is all the marks I've erased, like I've been using the eraser to push the graphite around on the page, sculpting it. I hit it with some ink for fun. Just for fun. 

I have no idea what I'm doing when I draw: it just kind of takes me over and pushes my hand around.

So this is Pallas Athena, in the flesh. The Parthenos, the Virgin. Ol' Grey-eyes Herself. She normally is more modest than this, I admit, but I seem to put my models at ease, even when I've just pictured them in my head ;) She has cast aside her armour and spear and Aegis and is just enjoying being a beautiful woman in her own beautiful skin. As we all should now and then.

I generally enjoy my own drawings! This one feels a bit rusty to me though, and I immediately see a million things I want to tweak, but Hey, it's my day off and I want to drink a beer and watch Breaking Bad and relax a bit... so that's what I'm going to do! I hope you enjoy it :D

Friday, 4 November 2011

Artemis, Goddess Extraodinaire!

Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt, is one of my favourite subjects to explore. I have this fun vision of her as a strong independant young lady, but I also see her as very saucy and flirty. Just because she is a "virgin" doesn't mean she doesn't know how to have a good time.... after all she tends to be surrounded by other beautiful young lady followers. The Greeks had a word or two for homosexuality but I'll bet Artemis kept her business to herself......
I drew this with graphite while listening to MIA's newest album MAYA, so I'm sure she's about to bounce off the page. Her hips seem to be wiggling to MIA's amazing beats. The music I listen to while drawing always effects my final desicions, unconsciously. Then I nailed down the contour with a felt pen and hit her with some acrylic ink and watercolour. And some China ink for her luxurious black locks.
All told this picture took about two and a half hours. It was an awesome way to spend a day off!
I drew this to impress a new friend of mine, who is also an artist.... what me show off? Never! ^.^