Welcome to my blog!

Hello, I am a self-trained artist with a fun, dark sense of humour. Enjoy my work and the crazy impetus behind them!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

This drawing is from Thursday, June 2. I've been thinking alot lately about my upbringing, and how rooted I was in the deep, cool, dark parts of organized religion. I didn't love God or feel anyhting akin to a Holy Spirit, but I felt the glory and magnificence of Human Beings celebrating. My father was the minister of a high Anglican church, so I was surrounded by pomp and circumstance. I would sneak my little buddies into the church, "marry" them, then let them make out in the hidden rooms and corriders that unfold like a Tardis in any old church.
Now I'm nothing near a christian, but the morality of it still interferes with my freedoms, especially as a woman. I gave up the Church but it won't let go of me! I want to expunge it, though, but failing that I decided to USE it.
This drawing is my own expression of how sick I am of being "pure" and "untouchable" - longing for a way to rip off the gown and wimple and just be revealed as myself.
I'm working on it!

1 comment:

  1. Rip out you're eyes apologize rip out youre eyes apologize
