Welcome to my blog!

Hello, I am a self-trained artist with a fun, dark sense of humour. Enjoy my work and the crazy impetus behind them!

Friday, 17 February 2012


I'M BLOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!
It happens to every creator eventually. Nature is made up of ebbs and flows, so I guess it's time to balance out the last three years.
Sometimes a block is a blessed holiday from the pressure of making art. It's a double-edged sword. When I'm in a roll it feels euphoric and I feel proud and happy, but also I have harder time focusing on the little details of normal day-to-day life. And yes, I have to masquerade as normal sometimes... I am a mom, I have a job, I have roles and respsonsibilities to fill. Sometimes art gets in the way. When I'm blocked I take a holiday from myself. A break from the air-headed flighty art-star I kinda see myself as (frowny face). Right now, while I'm turning out either nothing or CRAP, I kinda just feel like Mom. Or just Sarah-Joy, chilling with friends after work. Not special. Just one of us all.
Besides, it always comes back.....

1 comment:

  1. I was beginning to think you fell off the blog nice to see more of your art. I like the red contrast in this one
