Welcome to my blog!

Hello, I am a self-trained artist with a fun, dark sense of humour. Enjoy my work and the crazy impetus behind them!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Hellenistic Tendancies

Met a new friend for coffee yesterday. He and I discussed the dreaded artist block, and he said something that blew my mind.... "Allow yourself to make crap." Hemingway said it... and I love Hemingway.
So I decided on a new approach to blocking my block. I dug this out.... I had drawn the contour and done an initial wash over a year ago. I kept it because I hoped to finish it. I rarely pick up a drawing or painting again - I seem to want to finish a piece in a day or never look at it again. This was good practise in coming back to something!
The image is from an Attic red-figure vase from the fourth century B.C. I added a little extry to make it pop. Hope you like :) I do!

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one !!!!
    If that's crap keep S%$*#ing LOL
